I will be the first to admit that new technology scares me so much. So, making a Prezi was something that I knew would be a big challenge for me.
Even making my power point for week one was a bit daunting. I have managed to make it through my entire degree with one other online presentation, and that was a YouTube video. I also hate seeing myself on screen, if I am on Zoom for class my camera is off. I spend more time worrying about if I look weird than focusing on what is being said.
That being said this assignment was about overcoming the challenge of new technology and being on video.
The first step I did was go over my power point and take out the key information. Secondly, I made a script that I would follow throughout my video. I practiced, and practiced, but as soon as I was recording, I forgot everything I said. (I will never make a good actress). I then found out after I hit record that I needed to add the templates first. One of the things that we learned, that stuck with me the most was not to read off the slides. So, I wanted to ensure I only used key words in a bold font that would stand out for the viewer to see. I also added a photo that would help aid the viewers memory on the key words. Once I completed the templates, I tried recording again. I should have kept count of how many recordings and starts and stops I made.
Even though my performance needs some improvement, which I imagine will happen over time. I felt as though I employed some of the theories and ideas, I have learned in this class within my power point.
One of the ideas I used was exploring a new tool. Prezi is a tool that I have had no use for prior to this course. Power point is a tool that I believe could become something from the past like MySpace and Ask Jeeves. I also made a point of not densely packing my templates, since this is an ineffective way to covey information. I kept to one claim per slide. I wanted viewers to be able to absorb the information. When it came to the color scheme, I wanted to keep the words the same, yet I used a bunch of different styles of photos and colors on my template. The one that stands out the most is the Mario one with the pink background. Which in my opinion is the most important speaking out in my presentation. It is how to make class discussions more engaging.
I feel as though I also employed the characteristics of instructional design models by making it learner centered, having a goal, focusing on real world performance, ways of measurement, I used data and information based on what was taught in our class. The only thing I did not do was employ teamwork as this was an individual project.
My Prezi allowed me to learn an entirely new platform and made me step outside my comfort zone. It allowed me to use tactics that were new to me and create something I am proud of. It also gives me hope that I will improve with more and more use on the platform.