It appears that this blog post has disappeared from my list of posts so I will redo it.

I see AR becoming a huge part of future classrooms. AR is able to help students explore things they may never have seen. I have heard that this year teachers have used things such as virtual tours to allow students to explore museums or nature reserves. This allows students to get to experience places that they may have not been able to go to in the first place.

AR can replace some things in the classroom like certain field trips but I don’t think it will be a staple in classrooms. Traditional teaching is still extremely valuable and there are some students who cannot use technology such as AR, therefore they would be missing out on the information provided.

Students who may not have access to this technology due to income levels, or students with sensory issues may struggle with this. On a personal level, I had a class where we needed to watch Macbeth with VR googles on, I couldn’t even get past the first 5 minutes because I felt nauseous, and I do not struggle from sensory issues.

AR will have a place in future classrooms, what that place is still up for debate, as a society we still have a long way to go with this technology before it is master, and we do not want to end up like the society in Ready Player One.