Game Based Learning is something that I have always loved. Having grown up in the 1990s Game Based learning was not nearly as advanced it is today. In fact, we would only get one to two hours a week in the computer lab, which was often spent playing games, little did we know we were learning in the process.
Game Based Learning is taking the fun aspects of a game and creating a learning experience within that game. The game can focus on typing, grammar, history, or math to name a few topics. Really any topic could be turned into a learning game. Most of my game-based learning took place in elementary and I have very fond memories of going to the computer lab. I played such games as Freddi Fish where I learned about the ocean. Reader Rabbit which helped me pronounce words and help with reading. Save The Dinosaurs! Which was also timed based that added a new amount of pressure to get the right information and save all the dinosaurs while learning about them. The Jump-Start games are the ones I have the fondest memory of Jump-Start Typing is the one I played the most. It allowed me to learn how to hold my hands on a keyboard properly, which fingers to use for which key, all while keeping the games fun and refreshing. There were so many different aspects within this game and trophies that could be won. Honestly, if I had it in my hands today, I probably would play it again for nostalgic purposes.
More recently my employer has used games such as jeopardy or Kahoot to have us learn things such as policies, or Covid-19 protocols. It has proven very effective for everyone. There are also hundreds of new games created for students to learn, they also appear less like learning games and more like video games. Even bigger video game companies have gotten in on the game based learning model, like Minecraft and Mario. There is even a website called Education.com that has 35 pages worth of games, they can be broken up into grade or subject. As society moves more into the technological space it is more important that students use technology to understand the world. Coding is something that is being taught in schools as young as kindergarten. This is something I never would have dreamed of doing in school, and something I have almost zero experience with, but children today understand these concepts.
It will be interesting to see where the future of game based learning leads us, could the future be more like this Betty comic published in 1997, or are we already here?
Very interesting perspective on Game Based Learning! I like how you mentioned that any topic can be turned into a learning game. All of the games you discussed sounds very fun while at the same time informative. The integration of Covid-19 protocols clearly show that anything can be turned into a game that is super beneficial.
I completely agree with your point on the importance of students utilizing technology in their learning. Coding being introduced in schools for children is a perfect example, which I am in full support of! Once again, a very insightful blog post. Thanks Sarah!
Reader Rabbit and Save The Dinosaurs! Wow classics. Due for a reboot IMO. Also it must have impacted you learning this way having still remembered them.